Styrke i fellesskap

OPRA arbeider med samarbeidspartnere for å øke verdsettelsen av samfunnsborgere som tar forhøyet risiko for å beskytte samfunnet og medborgere.

Publisert 15. juni 2022

OPRA retter en spesiell takk til Politiets Fellesforbund og Norges Offisers- og Spesialistforbund, som har vært viktige støttespillere siden oppstart.


Politiets Fellesforbund
The Norwegian Police Union is the largest labor union in the police and sheriff's services, with over 17,000 members.

Norges Offisers- og Spesialistforbund
NOF is Norway's leading labor union for military employees. Despite the fact that the number of military personnel has been reduced significantly in recent years, NOF has experienced a doubling in the number of members.

Ambulanseforbundet i Delta
The Ambulance Association in Delta is Norway's largest professional organization for employees in the car ambulance service, air ambulance and for emergency operators at AMK centres.

Norsk Folkehjelp Sanitet

Norske Redningshunder
Norske Redningshunder (NRH) is a voluntary rescue organization that trains dogs and handlers for service during rescue operations. NRH uses the dog's wonderful sense of smell to save lives and participates in approx. 500 rescue operations a year.

Redningsselskapet is a voluntary, humanitarian member organization that counts 1,600 rescue women and rescue men, distributed among 53 rescue skates across the country.

Norsk Luftambulanse

NLA operates ambulance helicopters from 13 bases across the country. In addition, they work for faster and more accurate advanced emergency medical treatment through research.

Avincis provides all fixed wing aircraft ambulance services in Norway, operating from 7 different bases.

Norsk Radio Relæ Liga
NRRL educates radio amateurs for use in the rescue service and for disaster and crisis preparedness. NRRL organizes emergency connections for the authorities in the event of natural disasters and major accidents when telephones, mobile phones and other connections fail.

Veterankort is a collaboration between the veteran organizations NVIO, Veteranalliansen, Veteran møter veteran, SIOPS og NROF. The veteran's card is issued by the Norwegian Armed Forces' Veteran Service.

Norges Veteranforbund for Internasjonale Operasjoner
NVIO is Norway's largest interest organization for military personnel who have participated in international operations - and their relatives.

Veteranforbundet SIOPS
SIOPS main task is to assist and provide support to veterans with physical or psychological injuries as a result of participation in international operations. SIOPS is dedicated to helping wounded veterans and their families.

Veteran Møter Veteran
Veteran Møter Veteran is an association that works for increased activity among veterans. We facilitate and carry out various veteran meetings where veterans meet veterans.

The veterans' alliance is a interest organization for the care of veterans who have made efforts for the Norwegian state. The organization is a contributor to help veterans with problems of a different nature and a facilitator of courses relating to veterans.

Norsk Reservistforbund
NROF is a politically independent organization that was founded in 1896. NROF is to be a nationwide organization with the aim of supporting the Armed Forces and anchoring the will to defend.

Norges Lotteforbund
The NLF's purpose is to work to strengthen the nation's defense and preparedness will; and empower people who in peace, crisis and armed conflict; can work in and for total defence.

The Cadet Society's main task is to create well-being and social interaction among cadets, course students and the school's staff through activities under the Cadet Society's auspices.

Valkyrien is the cadet association at the Naval Academy. The association was founded in 1898 by Christoffer B. Meyer, and since then has functioned as a body to look after the social needs of cadets.

Blålysveteraner Norge
Blålysveteraner Norge is a politically neutral organization that will look after the interests of current or former employees in the three blue light agencies, 110-112-113.

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